Ray of Hope is a Christian organization dedicated to promoting the sanctity of life, teaching sexual purity and bringing restoration to women in the midst of a crisis due to an unwanted pregnancy or a previous abortion.
Ray Of Hope freely provides the support and resources, to women facing crisis pregnancies, needed to complete their pregnancy and give birth.
We're very excited as the construction of our new four-story facility is nearing completion in the Qi-Gu District Tainan, Taiwan. See more photos of our "Home Plus Hope" progress by clicking on the button below.

Letter from our director:

Dear Ray of Hope Friends,
It seems only a few short months ago, in 2006, that I was asked to volunteer with Ray of Hope. I was to do administrative work and help raise funds. However today, I am still here, praying for God's wisdom to work with a dedicated staff and to direct this amazing ministry to be a continued blessing to the people of Taiwan.
When I felt the Lord's leading to be a missionary at nine years old, missionaries would come and tell us stories about beautiful Formosa and the wonderful Taiwanese people. Who would have ever dreamed I would be here, helping hurting, unwed moms? But God took me through valleys in my own life to fill me with compassion for others walking through their valleys.
Our valleys may be shallow, deep, rough, or have deep and rugged ravines; but we each experience our own valley. Some valleys seem impossible to climb out of. That's how our moms feel with an unwanted pregnancy.
People are looking for love, realizing too late the pain and sadness which comes with sexual relationships and abortion. I'm so thankful for the love of Jesus Christ who came to "set at liberty those that are bruised and to heal the brokenhearted." If we are able to do that even a little at Ray of Hope, we have succeeded in what Jesus was sent to earth to do.
Ray of Hope operates totally on your free will donations. Thank you for your love and financial support. I would like to ask you to partner with us by becoming a monthly Guardian Angel to care for our clients and precious babies and teach the youth of Taiwan. Your gifts allow us to radiate love and forgiveness of shame, guilt and sin, through Jesus Christ, while shedding a new ray of hope to the Taiwanese people in beautiful Formosa.
Rescue the poor and helpless; deliver them from the grasp of evil people. Psalm 82:4
Ministering to the hurting.
Pastor Juanita
Juanita Hebard
Executive Director